Clojure Quil Text Example
Been using Quil lately for a small fun evening project. It wasn’t obvious to me how to get it to render some text, so here’s an example of what worked for me:
(ns text-example.core
(require [quil.core :as q])
(def screen-width 640)
(def screen-height 480)
(def blue [53 108 237])
(def yellow [235 229 20])
(declare exit-on-close)
(declare setup)
(declare draw)
(defn -main
"Example of rendering text with quil."
[& args]
;; Work around dangerous default behaviour in Clojure.
(alter-var-root #'*read-eval* (constantly false))
;; Make quil exit when we close the app.
(exit-on-close (q/sketch :title "Text Example"
:setup setup
:draw draw
:size [screen-width
(defn exit-on-close
(let [the-frame (-> the-sketch
(.setDefaultCloseOperation the-frame
(defn setup
(q/frame-rate 20)
(q/text-font (q/create-font "DejaVu Sans" 28 true))
(q/background 20)) ; dark screen background
(defn draw
;; `stroke` sets the stroke color (not the color of the letters).
(apply q/stroke yellow)
;; Note that the border (the stroke) is centered on the point where
;; the shape is anchored.
(q/stroke-weight 20)
;; `fill` sets the fill color (text color, and color inside shapes).
(apply q/fill blue)
;; xy coords specify the top left of the rectangle.
(q/rect 300 ; x
100 ; y
150 ; width
200) ; height
;; xy coords specify the *bottom* left of where the text begins.
(q/text "Hi there"
300 ; x
100) ; y
;; One last dark dot to show exactly where that (300, 100)
;; point is.
(q/stroke 20) ; Use `stroke` to set color of a point.
(q/stroke-weight 3) ; Yes, stroke-weight determines point size.
(q/point 300 100))